The Newest Member of the Flock
(aka The Family)

Sorry it's kinda blurry - he moved!
Chester is a Blue Crown Conure. I was given him by a very sweet lady named Rita. I answered an ad that stated that she had a Blue Crown Conure Free to a VERY good home. I had no idea that she would pick me but she did. She said that she choose me because I was honest and knew alot about birds. For those that don't really know me - I have over 20+ years of bird experience. I love birds! I always have!!!!! :-) My dream bird is a Blue and Gold Macaw!
Below are some pictures of Chester :-)
This is Chester in his new home. I will have to look for him something bigger.
He is bigger than I thought :-) This cage will do for now but in the near future
I will need to get him something else.
Anyone have a cage for a medium to large size bird?

He's posing for his picture!

While I was heating something up in the microwave
tonight Chester decided to venture out of his cage.
That was a big step considering I have had him less than
36 hours. He is really getting use to his surroundings!

Just hanging around!
This was taken right before he decided
he had had enough and went back into his cage.

All of the other animals are doing great. Princess' tail healed up nicely. You can see where it was injured but it looks really good. Dixie is also doing good. All of the birds (Sweetie, Pepper, Fred, Ginger, Kiwi and KiKu) are all doing good. It's funny to hear them all talk
back and forth to each other.
Carrigan's last day of school is this Friday. She will be receiving a couple of awards on Thursday. I'll post them at the end of the week. I can't believe she will be in 2nd grade next year.
Alan is doing great. He amazes us every day.
Rusty is back in Augusta. I love it when he gets to come home on the weekends. I really miss him when he's gone. I look forward to the weekends and so do the kids!
I hope that everyone had a Safe and Happy Memorial Day!
I hope that everyone had a Safe and Happy Memorial Day!
Beautiful bird~
How is Chester doing?
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