May 13, 2008
Hi Everyone! It's been a busy last couple of days. Rusty is officially in Augusta now. It's hard with him being so far away and not being 20 minutes down the road but me and the kids look forward to the weekends when we will get to see him. I'm hanging in there and I try not to think about him not being at home every night but...Carrigan is the one having a hard time. She keeps saying "It's just not the same". I think that she got very used to Rusty being home the last 2 weeks. Alan on the other hand is still too young to fully understand. He did mention earlier today that he missed daddy. It brought a tear to my eye.
Here is a picture of Rusty and the kids on the last day that he worked at the fire station.
Hi Everyone! It's been a busy last couple of days. Rusty is officially in Augusta now. It's hard with him being so far away and not being 20 minutes down the road but me and the kids look forward to the weekends when we will get to see him. I'm hanging in there and I try not to think about him not being at home every night but...Carrigan is the one having a hard time. She keeps saying "It's just not the same". I think that she got very used to Rusty being home the last 2 weeks. Alan on the other hand is still too young to fully understand. He did mention earlier today that he missed daddy. It brought a tear to my eye.
Here is a picture of Rusty and the kids on the last day that he worked at the fire station.
Of course I had to take one of just the two of them :)
Below are some of the pictures that I took the weekend of May 2nd when we took the camper to Augusta. I hope you enjoy!!!!
For those of you that have never been to Augusta - they have a place called River Walk. Obviously it is right on the Savannah River. There is a kids playground which is an awesome place. Parents get to sit on the bench's and enjoy the scenery of the Savannah River while watching their kids play.

Brother and sister love!!!!

Daddy and the kids enjoying watching the boats go down the river!

Alan and Carrigan checking out the scenery!

Carrigan loves her Daddy!

Obviously she likes to have her picture taken!

Mommy take it now - CHEESE!

I love this picture!

Monkey See - Monkey Do!!! They had alot of fun on the slides!
Here's a picture of Alan's new haircut. They call it a Cesear haircut! It's the same haircut that George Clooney has :-) I was a little nervous about it but it turned out really cute.
He loves for me to put gel in it to make it stick straight up on the top.

I hope that everyone is having a great week!
Love, Kim
Great pictures!!!!!!!!
LOVE it!!!!
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