Carrigan is 6 Years Old!!!!!
I can't believe that our little girl is 6 years old now. Where did all of the time go. I know - I worked for the first 4 years of her life so that has alot to do with it but the last 2 have gone by so fast.
Carrigan had a great day on Friday. I took cupcakes to her school and the kids all sang Happy Bikirthday to her. She really enjoyed it and all of the kids were so well behaved. They kept going up to her telling her Happy Birthday while I was there. Her teacher - Mrs. Bell - was nice enough to let me take a couple of pictures.

Carrigan and her teacher - Mrs. Bell

The kids in Carrigan's class
On Saturday (her actual birthday) she had another busy day. This time all of the family came and helped her celebrate. Thanks Mom, Kandis, Kristi, Pat, Hunter, Barb, Tim, Kati, Kevin, Ty, Brooke and Great Grandma Hammett for coming and making her day so special. Unfortunatley, Matthew was not able to make it due to him having to work - you were missed. Carrigan got alot of great things. She wanted new clothes and that's mostly what she got. She also got a new purse, new pair of shoes, a Dora doll, Magic Beanz, a 1st grade reader book, and 2 Kidz Bop CD's. She loves it all!!!! Thanks Kati for the amazing cake. As always - you did a fantastic job and it was just as yummy as ever!
Carrigan, Brooke and Ty
Wednesday we will be taking her to Build-A-Bear after her dentist appointment. She can hardly wait. She has been checking out the website trying to figure out exactly what she wants. I'll post a picture of she and her new friend later on next week.
Oh yeah - for all of you that are new to EBAY and need some help on how to search please check out this web address - This is an awesome guide called "The Beginners Guide to Searching eBay:. It was written by Tom Sexton (Cher's husband) and I have found it very helpful. Go ahead and check it out.
One last thing - don't forget to check out the links to the right of the page. There are some really great BLOGS and some great sites. My Mary Kay site, Kristi's Pampered Chef site, Tom's Best Career Links, etc....
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and staying warm!