March 9, 2008
New Pictures of the kids and new family members!
I know - It's been awhile since I last posted. It's been a busy last several weeks. What have I been up too...I couldn't tell you ...but it's been busy.
Here are a couple of pictures that I have taken since my last post.
Hope you enjoy!!!

Here is a picture of Alan in his bedroom. He is so proud of his Spongebob sheets and his new denim window panels in his room. Now is we could only get him to stay in there all night :-)

Alan is such a crazy kid. Rusty and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV and Alan decided to make himself a little bed inside this tote. He filled the bottom up with small pillows, got his blanket and crawled in. Five minutes later he was fast asleep. Rusty was able to pick up the whole thing and take him into his room. To be small again!

Carrigan's turn to be silly. She has on her brother's shirt and his undies. She wanted me to take a picture. I can't wait until she turns 16 and I can show all of her friends.

Monkey See - Monkey Do!
Meet our Newest Members of the Family

Most of you know that I am a huge bird lover. I would have a house full if we had the room and Rusty would let me!
A couple of days ago I was on Craigslist looking for a new addition to our family and I came across this ad from a very nice lady named Ginger. I sent her an email telling her that I had 20+ years of bird experience and that her birds would get lots of love and attention. She sent me back an email and told me to call her. She mentioned that the birds didn't have some of of their feathers but that did not concern me at all. I told her that it was probably due to stress and she thought it might be because one of the birds was trying to get "attention" from the other one. That is a very good possibility or maybe they just needed to be separated. I told her that I had another cage that I could use to separate them. To make a long story short...she picked me to be the new mom to her birds. The kids and I drove to Decatur yesterday and met Ginger and her husband. They were such nice people. Once I saw the birds I noticed how beautiful they were. I could not wait to get them home. One the way home I stopped and bought them two new toys for their cage, a millet spray holder and a book about Lovebirds for me. Since I've never had lovebirds before I did alot of research about them the night before I picked them up. I read that sunflower seeds were too fattening for them and that they liked millet (that was a good thing since my cockatiels love the stuff and I now buy it in bulk). There was alot of other things I could write about but I won't bore you the details!
Ginger named them Fred and Ethel but for some reason the kids are having a hard time remembering the name Ethel. I'm thinking of naming one Ginger (since she was their first mom) and maybe keep the other one Fred since Fred and Ginger were entertainers. These birds certainly like to sing, entertain and dance around their cage.
Last night all of the birds did great. I never heard a peep from them. This morning when Sweetie and Pepper talk and it makes the new birds chirp. It is so cute. I also noticed this morning that they have eaten some of their millet. One of them also let me rub their head this morning (I think it was Fred). I've spent alot of time talking to them since they came home and they seem to be getting use to their surroundings and my voice.
Thank you again Ginger!!!
I'll try to post some more pictures this week. I hope that everyone has a great week!
1 comment:
Love the pictures!!!
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