It's been a long time since I have updated the Blog. Things have been really busy for us the last couple of months.
October was a month full of different things to do. I went on a field trip with Carrigan and her school to Ison's Farm. She had a great time on the hayride. We also went to 2 birthday parties this month. Carrigan's best friend Aniston turned 4 and our new next door neighbor Logyn turned 10. Both parties were a lot of fun. Halloween was a lot of fun this year with Carrigan. For some reason she could not decide what she wanted to be. She started off being a Barbie Princess. Then she was a Flower Fairy and then on Halloween night she decided that she wanted to be Ariel. Alan dressed up at the church's Fall Festival as a Lion (thank you Aunt Kati for letting him borrow it) but he did not dress up Halloween night. It was a little bit too cold for him and he wasn't feeling very well that night. Halloween night in the neighborhood was a lot of fun. Instead of Carrigan having to walk from house to house (the houses in our neighborhood are pretty spread out) Rusty decided that I would drive the truck and pull the trailer behind with he and the kids. One of our neighbors, Jimmy and Jennifer hopped on with their 2 kids and it worked out great. Next year we are going to decorate the trailer and invite more people to join us.
The beginning of November Rusty and I celebrated our wedding anniversary and my birthday in Las Vegas. We had a great time. Thank you mom for coming over and watching the kids for us!!!!!!! Troy and his girlfriend Lisa joined us out there. It was wonderful seeing Troy. We haven't seen him since he moved back to South Dakota in January. The 4 of us had a wonderful time. Of course we went shopping, went to see Mystere and then did some gambling. Mr. Wynn got most of our money. Rusty says that he at least paid for one of the light bills - LOL!!!! Rusty had a lot of fun playing poker and I enjoyed watching him play. Troy and Lisa went home a day earlier than us so on the last day we went to the PRCA Rodeo Finals. It was awesome!!!! We were so lucky to get tickets at the last minute. Troy & Lisa

The day before Thanksgiving we went to Birmingham to celebrate Thanksgiving with mom, Kandis and Matt. We had a great time. Kristi, Pat and Hunter and Hunter's friend Mitchell met us over there. The food was wonderful and the kids had a great time. Hunter and Mitchell took Carrigan up the mountain and they walked on the ridge. Thanks Hunter for saving Carrigan's life - LOL!!!! I don't think that Carrigan will want to do that again anytime soon!!!

December has been busy for us as well. Between taking Carrigan to school, Rusty working every day and Alan being sick again - it's been crazy. Not to mention between all of that - trying to get ready for Santa. Carrigan is getting really excited. She has been doing the countdown for the last week. Alan is just as busy as ever. Trying to get him to sit still for his Christmas picture was almost impossible. He didn't do very well with Santa either. If I remember correctly - Carrigan didn't like Santa at this age either!
We hope that everyone has a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!!! Happy New Year!!!!!

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