Happy New Year Year!
I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone and the New Year is just 2 days away. 2005 flew right by. As they say "Time flies when your having fun".
The whole month of December busy. Carrigan was busy at school making projects and getting ready for her holiday party. Unfortuntaley - Alan was sick again but he seems to be doing alot better now. Thanks to his breathing treatments and medicine and his wonderful doctor - it didn't last the entire month like it did a year ago.
My friend and neighbor Renee (long lost cousin - just ask and I'll tell you the story - it's really funny how we figured this out) hosted a cookie exchange the middle of December and it was alot of fun. Beware friends and family - we're doing it again next year and everyone is invited!!!!
The kids had their picture made with Santa. Alan wasn't real happy with Santa as you can see in the picture. Carrigan was a big help to Alan - she told Santa exactly what he wanted. Santa was a little shocked when Carrigan told him that she emailed him and that he emailed her back. Needless to say - Santa didn't know what to say about that! Santa came early Christmas Eve to our house. Rusty had to work on Christmas Day so Santa decided to came while we were at Renee's house. Rusty got to enjoy the kids and their new presents the night before he had to work. It worked out perfectly!!!! Carrigan was shocked when we got home and found the presents under the tree. She also couldn't believe that Santa came down the chimney and not through the front door. We told her that Santa didn't have the code to the alarm system so he decided to go down the chimney instead. The first thing that Alan did was go and sit on the 4-wheeler. Santa did very good this year picking out the things for the kids!
Christmas was alot of fun. We celebrated with Rusty's family the weekend before Christmas at our house. We have a new holiday drink that we tried - White Hot Chocolate - it was yummy yummy!!!! Maybe it will be a new tradition!!! Christmas Eve Day mom, Kristi, Pat and Hunter came over to the house and we all exchanged gifts. Thank you to everyone for all of our wonderful gifts. Kandis and Matt you were missed. Hopefully you will be able to come over next year!!!!
We hope that everyone has a safe and happy new year!
Here are a couple of pictures of the kids with some of their presents:

Kim, Rusty, Carrigan and Alan