As many of you know - this was an important weekend for Rusty. It was
Family Day at MCG and Rusty's White Coat Ceremony. Me and the kids
went over there to help celebrate this important event.
Here's a brief run-down on what went on and several pictures
that I took during the day:
SEPTEMBER 20, 2008
School of Allied Health Sciences
School of Dentistry
School of Graduate Studies
School of Nursing
9:00 A.M. Reception - Student Center
10:00 A.M. Welcome Address - Auditoria Center
10:30 A.M. Individual School Activities
The Physician's Assistant Activities started at 2:00 P.M.
Here is a welcome sign that hung across one of the main streets at the campus.
As many of you know - this was an important weekend for Rusty. It was
Family Day at MCG and Rusty's White Coat Ceremony. Me and the kids
went over there to help celebrate this important event.
Here's a brief run-down on what went on and several pictures
that I took during the day:
SEPTEMBER 20, 2008
School of Allied Health Sciences
School of Dentistry
School of Graduate Studies
School of Nursing
9:00 A.M. Reception - Student Center
10:00 A.M. Welcome Address - Auditoria Center
10:30 A.M. Individual School Activities
The Physician's Assistant Activities started at 2:00 P.M.
Here is a welcome sign that hung across one of the main streets at the campus.
Rusty and the kids sitting on a bench outside of the Welcome Center.

After we went to the Welcome Address - Rusty took us over to
his building for us to look around.
This was the center pieces that they used in PA Classrooms.
That is where everyone went after the ceremony for refreshments
and to mingle with everyone and their families.

This is one of their surgical rooms. Rusty said this is where they will
stitch up pigs. Yes - pigs. I didn't want to know anymore!

I thought this would make a great picture of Rusty and the kids!

I took this when we were leaving Rusty's building. We had a lot of time to
kill before we had to be back for the ceremony.

One the way back to the car Rusty took us by the Memorial Garden that they
have for the cadavers. He said they actually have a service for them
when they are "retired".

Since we had alot of time before the next event - we took the kids to
our favorite park. I love this place. The scenery is beautiful and the
kids have a great time playing.
The kid striking a pose! Aren't the cute!

Carrigan and Alan being goofy!

Alan hit his head on a step and wanting his daddy to hold him and
make him feel better!

After we finished up at the park we went to eat at a place
called the Pizza Joint (I think). It had really big slices
of pizza (you can buy it by the slice) and great Greek Salad. Rusty
and I both had a calzone and salad and they kids ate pizza.
Now for the ceremony. Sorry the pictures aren't as good as the outdoor
ones. I have so many settings on my camera - I don't know which one to use indoors!
Here's a run-down on what went on at the ceremony!
Introduction of Facility/Staff
Welcome by Administration
Introduction of Class Officers & Presentation by Class of 2010
White Coat Ceremony
Refreshments in the PA Classroom
This was taken before the ceremony in the auditorium.

These cute goodie bags were given out to all of the kids before the
ceremony. They were great!

Here's a picture of Alan coloring his.

Here is Carrigan wearing her patch just like her daddy!

I took this before it got started. This was on the stage.

When they introduced the students - they all walked down the aisle
holding their White Coats. Once they got on stage they handed their
coat to one lady and once it was on - another lady put a pin on it.

I'm so proud!!!

This was funny. Once everyone got back to their seats they were told to
turn around and face the crowd and recite the
Physician Assistant Profession Oath.

Here's the oath:
I pledge to perform the following duties with honesty and dedication:
I will hold as my primary responsibility the health, safety, welfare and dignity of all human beings.
I will uphold the tenets of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmalfeasance and justice.
I will recognize and promote who seek my care.
I will hold in confidence the information shared in the course of practicing medicine.
I will assess my personal capabilities and limitations, striving always to improve my medical practice.
I will work with other members of the health care team to provide compassionate and effective care of patients.
I will use my knowledge and experience to contribute to an improved community.
I will respect my professional relationship with the physician.
I will share and expand knowledge within the profession.
These duties are pledged with sincerity and upon my honor.
Don't ask any of the students to recite this - they were all reading off of a sheet of paper!
Rusty and some of the girls in his class! The
Class President - Michelle - is standing next to him on his left.

A group shot! Rusty is on the far right - 2nd row.

Another group shot!

I'm so proud of you!!!!

Here's a picture of the cake that was on the PA Classroom!
No - Kati did not do this (I personally think she would
have done a better job).

In the classroom they had an Operation Game out on the table.
Of course Carrigan found it and had a great time playing it!

After we left and we were on our way back to the camper - Rusty noticed
some smoke. He knew the burn ban had not been lifted but he did
not have a good feeling about the smoke. This is what we came up on.
From the time that Rusty called 911 and the fire trucks arrived - it was only
3 minutes. I started taking pictures as soon as we got there.

This is a video - click the bottom left button!

After we went to the Welcome Address - Rusty took us over to
his building for us to look around.
This was the center pieces that they used in PA Classrooms.
That is where everyone went after the ceremony for refreshments
and to mingle with everyone and their families.

This is one of their surgical rooms. Rusty said this is where they will
stitch up pigs. Yes - pigs. I didn't want to know anymore!

I thought this would make a great picture of Rusty and the kids!

I took this when we were leaving Rusty's building. We had a lot of time to
kill before we had to be back for the ceremony.

One the way back to the car Rusty took us by the Memorial Garden that they
have for the cadavers. He said they actually have a service for them
when they are "retired".

Since we had alot of time before the next event - we took the kids to
our favorite park. I love this place. The scenery is beautiful and the
kids have a great time playing.
The kid striking a pose! Aren't the cute!

Carrigan and Alan being goofy!

Alan hit his head on a step and wanting his daddy to hold him and
make him feel better!

After we finished up at the park we went to eat at a place
called the Pizza Joint (I think). It had really big slices
of pizza (you can buy it by the slice) and great Greek Salad. Rusty
and I both had a calzone and salad and they kids ate pizza.
Now for the ceremony. Sorry the pictures aren't as good as the outdoor
ones. I have so many settings on my camera - I don't know which one to use indoors!
Here's a run-down on what went on at the ceremony!
Introduction of Facility/Staff
Welcome by Administration
Introduction of Class Officers & Presentation by Class of 2010
White Coat Ceremony
Refreshments in the PA Classroom
This was taken before the ceremony in the auditorium.

These cute goodie bags were given out to all of the kids before the
ceremony. They were great!

Here's a picture of Alan coloring his.

Here is Carrigan wearing her patch just like her daddy!

I took this before it got started. This was on the stage.

When they introduced the students - they all walked down the aisle
holding their White Coats. Once they got on stage they handed their
coat to one lady and once it was on - another lady put a pin on it.

I'm so proud!!!

This was funny. Once everyone got back to their seats they were told to
turn around and face the crowd and recite the
Physician Assistant Profession Oath.

Here's the oath:
I pledge to perform the following duties with honesty and dedication:
I will hold as my primary responsibility the health, safety, welfare and dignity of all human beings.
I will uphold the tenets of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmalfeasance and justice.
I will recognize and promote who seek my care.
I will hold in confidence the information shared in the course of practicing medicine.
I will assess my personal capabilities and limitations, striving always to improve my medical practice.
I will work with other members of the health care team to provide compassionate and effective care of patients.
I will use my knowledge and experience to contribute to an improved community.
I will respect my professional relationship with the physician.
I will share and expand knowledge within the profession.
These duties are pledged with sincerity and upon my honor.
Don't ask any of the students to recite this - they were all reading off of a sheet of paper!
Rusty and some of the girls in his class! The
Class President - Michelle - is standing next to him on his left.

A group shot! Rusty is on the far right - 2nd row.

Another group shot!

I'm so proud of you!!!!

Here's a picture of the cake that was on the PA Classroom!
No - Kati did not do this (I personally think she would
have done a better job).

In the classroom they had an Operation Game out on the table.
Of course Carrigan found it and had a great time playing it!

After we left and we were on our way back to the camper - Rusty noticed
some smoke. He knew the burn ban had not been lifted but he did
not have a good feeling about the smoke. This is what we came up on.
From the time that Rusty called 911 and the fire trucks arrived - it was only
3 minutes. I started taking pictures as soon as we got there.

This is a video - click the bottom left button!
Another video!

After I took the last picture - the firetrucks started showing up. Look what 3
minutes can do in a fire! Rusty said he missed being in on the action but he
does not want to go back - only forward! He smelt like smoke when he got in the
car. Brought back memories for both of us!
We had a great day (minus the fire). I am so proud of Rusty. I know
it has got to be hard with him being away from home and him having to study all
of the time. I want to thank everyone that has supported us
(it really means alot). Thanks for all of the phone calls and the emails asking us
how were are. It's not easy but the continued support helps. Thank you!
This time in 2 years - Rusty will be a PA!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Less than 24 months to go!!!
Have a great week!