APRIL 2008
Time sure is flying by....Let's see what all has happened so far in the month of April
I got 2 new birds - Kiwi and KiKu....please see an earlier post for their pictures! All of the birds are doing great. Kiwi loves to get his head rubbed. His latest thing is to sit on Rusty's had while he does his homework. KiKu is doing great as well. She is really adjusting to her surroundings and she is finally starting to make more noises. All of the birds - including the cockatiels and lovebirds love fresh fruit and veggies and Kiwi loves brown rice :-) They are little people!
Brooke had a birthday on the 10th. Here's a picture of the birthday girl at her party!
The kids went to Dante's birthday party on the 12th. The kids had a great time. Dante had a Thomas the Train theme and it was so cute! Dante is getting so big. What a cutie!!!

Alan, Carrigan and Dante getting ready for a group picture!

What cute party favors Sue had for the party! Alan wears his hat all of the time!
Carrigan went to Brooke's birthday party on the 19th. All of the girls had a great time getting all made up. They had their hair done, nails painted, had their picture made, decorated a frame to put it in, made lip gloss and bath gel! Carrigan had a great time. Thank you Kristi for watching Alan for us so that Carrigan could do something without her brother!

Carrigan and Brooke all dolled up!!!!
Kristi celebrated Hunter's birthday on April 20th. His actual birthday is April 22nd. We had a great time. Unfortunately though Pat, Rusty and Matt were able to come but we had fun anyway. Kristi made a Low Country Boil which was wonderful. Yummy Yummy :-)

The Birthday Boy!

Grammy and the grand kids! Hunter, Carrigan and Alan

Kandis and Hunter!
A couple of hours after Hunter's party Dixie and Princess got into a fight. Let's just say that Dixie won. About 530pm that night I had to take Princess to the emergency animal hospital. Poor little thing had to get stitches in her tail. Dixie got ahold of her tail and it tore. When you first looked at it - it was not that bad but by the time I got her to the emergency animal hospital - the tissue had started to swell and it looked like a small balloon coming out of her tail. Needless to say - Princess had to be sedated, the tissue had to be cut away and then they had to sew her back up. Princess and Dixie don't get to play anymore. Princess growls at Dixie (I would too if I were her) so we have decided to keep them separated for now on. We don't want to take that chance again.

Here is Princess sporting 2 of her 3 collars that she had to wear. I had to take her back to the vet 4 days later and get a bigger collar because she had gotten ahold of her tail and ripped some of the stitches out. Rusty removed 3 stitches on Monday night and she is now feeling much better.
The guys at the fire department had a going away party for Rusty on the 27th. Thank you to all of the guys and to everyone that came. Thanks to Zach and Susan for opening up their new home to everyone. Thanks Leo for arranging everything! :-) Everyone had a great time.

A group shot!

Rusty and Josh. Thank you Josh for coming. That really meant alot to Rusty :-)

Here's a picture of the kids fishing. They had a great time :-)

A picture of Rusty after he got thrown into the water. I think it took a total 4 guys to get him into the water.
I have more pictures from the party but I will post them later! Thanks again for all of the support and kind words guys! It really meant alot to Rusty :-)
The kids went to Dante's birthday party on the 12th. The kids had a great time. Dante had a Thomas the Train theme and it was so cute! Dante is getting so big. What a cutie!!!

Alan, Carrigan and Dante getting ready for a group picture!

What cute party favors Sue had for the party! Alan wears his hat all of the time!
Carrigan went to Brooke's birthday party on the 19th. All of the girls had a great time getting all made up. They had their hair done, nails painted, had their picture made, decorated a frame to put it in, made lip gloss and bath gel! Carrigan had a great time. Thank you Kristi for watching Alan for us so that Carrigan could do something without her brother!

Carrigan and Brooke all dolled up!!!!
Kristi celebrated Hunter's birthday on April 20th. His actual birthday is April 22nd. We had a great time. Unfortunately though Pat, Rusty and Matt were able to come but we had fun anyway. Kristi made a Low Country Boil which was wonderful. Yummy Yummy :-)

The Birthday Boy!

Grammy and the grand kids! Hunter, Carrigan and Alan

Kandis and Hunter!
A couple of hours after Hunter's party Dixie and Princess got into a fight. Let's just say that Dixie won. About 530pm that night I had to take Princess to the emergency animal hospital. Poor little thing had to get stitches in her tail. Dixie got ahold of her tail and it tore. When you first looked at it - it was not that bad but by the time I got her to the emergency animal hospital - the tissue had started to swell and it looked like a small balloon coming out of her tail. Needless to say - Princess had to be sedated, the tissue had to be cut away and then they had to sew her back up. Princess and Dixie don't get to play anymore. Princess growls at Dixie (I would too if I were her) so we have decided to keep them separated for now on. We don't want to take that chance again.

Here is Princess sporting 2 of her 3 collars that she had to wear. I had to take her back to the vet 4 days later and get a bigger collar because she had gotten ahold of her tail and ripped some of the stitches out. Rusty removed 3 stitches on Monday night and she is now feeling much better.
The guys at the fire department had a going away party for Rusty on the 27th. Thank you to all of the guys and to everyone that came. Thanks to Zach and Susan for opening up their new home to everyone. Thanks Leo for arranging everything! :-) Everyone had a great time.

A group shot!

Rusty and Josh. Thank you Josh for coming. That really meant alot to Rusty :-)

Here's a picture of the kids fishing. They had a great time :-)

A picture of Rusty after he got thrown into the water. I think it took a total 4 guys to get him into the water.
I have more pictures from the party but I will post them later! Thanks again for all of the support and kind words guys! It really meant alot to Rusty :-)