I can't believe that Carrigan is 7 years old! WOW - either I'm feeling really old or she's just growing up - HAHAHA!
Last Saturday was her birthday party . Thanks to Grammy, Kandis, Kristi, Hunter, Grandma, Papa, Kati, Ty, Brooke, Aniston and Bailey A. for coming. Carrigan had a great time!

Top to Bottom:
Hunter, Ty
Bailey A., Alan, Aniston, Brooke
We had a couple of fun things that we did at the party. When the girls got there - they got to make their own lip gloss. Stephanie and Jennifer - my hands are still reddish. Stephanie - how are Aniston's lips? HAHA!!! Next time I will use the clear kool - aid and not the colored. LOL!
Hunter, Ty and Alan got to make tornadoes out of water bottles. They seemed to enjoy it. I think they liked putting the glitter in the bottles the best!
After that they played a game that was played at my baby shower with Alan. Since it was an ice cream theme - I thought it would be alot of fun. First you put cotton balls into one bowl and then set an empty one beside it. You put a blindfold on the child, give them a spoon and ask them to scoop the cotton balls out of one bowl and put into the empty bowl. They have 1 minute. The kids had a great time doing this. They even caught on and counted for the person that was blindfolded how many cotton balls were in their bowl even if there weren't any. It was alot of fun watching them.

Here's a picture of Brooke scooping of the cotton balls!
You can tell the kids had fun by the smiles on their faces!
We saved the best thing for last...Make and Shake Ice Cream. Thanks Laurie for giving me the idea. It was perfect.

This is Carrigan shaking her bag.

The finished product!!! Yummy!
This ice cream tasted just like Chick Fil A ice cream. It was so yummy! Kati came up with a great idea...this would be perfect to do on camping trips! We will definately have to try it!
Thanks again to everyone for helping celebrate Carrigan's birthday. I hope that everyone had a great time and for those who missed it - you were definately missed!!!!