They say that boys are different then girls but I would have never thought....
A couple of weeks ago we received new fabric for our jogger stroller. All it took was for me to take out one screw and Alan wanted to give it a try. All it took was for him to see it done once and he was hooked. That child removed all of the screws from the stroller.
We thought that was real cute until he decided a couple of days later to remove the screws from Carrigan's light switch in her room. He brought Rusty the switch plate cover and told him to "look". He was real proud of himself until Rusty told him that he was not to do that again.
Then this past Sunday afternoon we were working in the front yard and Alan brought Rusty a screw that looked really familiar but we couldn't quite place it. We told Alan to go and put it back where he got it so he went towards the driveway. The next thing we knew he was bringing us a license plate off of
my car. I can't believe he was strong enough to get the screws out. Carrigan would have never done that!
What will he do next?

Here are some pictures of Alan getting the screws out of the jogging stroller.

These are some pictures that I took yesterday afternoon. The story behind this is Carrigan went next door to play with Grayce and Alan was not happy because he could not see his sister. Well, he got smart and moved his toy up to the fence, climbed on it and then climbed on the fence. He was as happy as can be. Of course, I was not too thrilled since now he knows how to climb the privacy fence and it won't take much more for him to climb all the way over. He has no fear at all. Rusty wasn't able to see him do this so I had to grab the camera.

He was saying "Look Mom - Sissy (that's what he calls Carrigan)"!

Look at me Mom!

I think he was trying to figure out how to get down.

Just hanging out!
In case anyone wonders what I do all day long since I no longer work - well, I try to keep Alan safe. He likes to climb over the 4' black vinyl fence in another part of the yard, he climbs on the counters and tries to help himself to food and drinks, he likes to draw (have to make sure he doesn't draw on the walls, he loves to play outside in the sandbox, he loves to drive around in his truck in the back yard, etc.... I have to keep a constant eye on him. I so wish I could sit on the sofa and eat bon bons all day long and watch TV (don't know what I would do without DVR) but that just never happens. I do try to read my emails a couple times a day but that in only when he is in my room watching TV and I can keep an eye on him.
Carrigan was nothing like her brother!!! They say boys are easier than girls but I right now - I don't think so!!!!!! I have yet to see it! LOL!!!! Love you Alan!!!! Your Mommies Big Boy!!!!!