April was a very busy month for us.
Carrigan has been busy going on class field trips (Old South Farm Museum and Ag. Learning Center and Pike County Farm Bureau Grounds). She had a great time on both trips and came home with some interesting kids activities. She's missed 3 days of school this month though and it's all been within the last 10 days. Last week she missed 2 days due to having strep throat and then she missed Monday due to having that awful stomach virus that seems to go around every year.
Alan is talking alot more lately. He is saying sentences and is very quick to let you know when he is not happy. He has quite the little temper for someone that's only 2 years old. It must be the red hair. Not sure who I told and who I didn't so I will tell it again for those of you that don't know. Back in March Alan hurt one of his front teeth. He was on his hands and knees pushing one of his trucks across the hard wood floors and the truck slipped and so did he. We didn't think it was that bad - it was a little loose but that was all. Well - that tooth is now starting to turn gray. He has been to the dentist and they are keeping an eye on it. If a sore develops on his gum then that will show he has an infection and more than likely that tooth will have to come out. We are hoping that does not happen. I can't imagine a two year old missing a front tooth.
Carrigan graduates from kindergarten at the end of the month. She has done so well this year. Her favorite subject is math (she definitely gets that from Rusty - I hated math). She also likes to write short stories. She has finished all of her Dr. Cupp readers and the teacher has started some of them on 1st grade work.
Rusty is almost finished with school for this semester. He has 2 more exams and then he is done. He will be taking an on-line course over the summer and he will only need to go to the campus 4 days. YEAH!!! It will be so nice to finally have him home! He has already registered for the Fall Semester. He will be taking - Microbiology, Microbiology Lab and Abnormal Psychology. At least in the Fall he will only be going to school 2 days a week instead of the 4 days a week that he did this semester. This summer he will be taking Intro to Human Development.
Below are some pictures of some of the things that we have done in April.
Here is a picture of me and Cher at Tom's birthday party. We had a great time at it was nice seeing Cher and Tom.
Here is Tom opening up one of his presents. ENJOY THE RIDE TOM!!!
Carrigan graduates from kindergarten at the end of the month. She has done so well this year. Her favorite subject is math (she definitely gets that from Rusty - I hated math). She also likes to write short stories. She has finished all of her Dr. Cupp readers and the teacher has started some of them on 1st grade work.
Rusty is almost finished with school for this semester. He has 2 more exams and then he is done. He will be taking an on-line course over the summer and he will only need to go to the campus 4 days. YEAH!!! It will be so nice to finally have him home! He has already registered for the Fall Semester. He will be taking - Microbiology, Microbiology Lab and Abnormal Psychology. At least in the Fall he will only be going to school 2 days a week instead of the 4 days a week that he did this semester. This summer he will be taking Intro to Human Development.
Below are some pictures of some of the things that we have done in April.

We went strawberry picking across from our subdivision with Grandma Barb. The kids had a great time and it was neat learning how to make strawberry jam/preserves. Thanks Barb. YUMMY! YUMMY!! Can't wait to can some more. Hopefully there will be some peaches this year if the freeze didn't kill them all.

Carrigan was really getting into it! She was very serious about which ones she picked.

Alan kept getting a little confused and picked mostly green strawberries but he finally got the hand of it! At one point he was more interested in the tractors than he was the strawberries. This kid loves tractors!

Carrigan was really getting into it! She was very serious about which ones she picked.

Alan kept getting a little confused and picked mostly green strawberries but he finally got the hand of it! At one point he was more interested in the tractors than he was the strawberries. This kid loves tractors!

Carrigan's bucket was full at the end. If I remember correctly - her basket weighed 14 lbs. Way to go Carrigan!

Here is Grandma Barb and Alan showing off one of strawberries.
Barb and I took the kids to Mt. Carmel Park. We tried to get the kids tired so that we could go back and do some canning. They weren't too bad so we were able to get some done but I think that there was about 39 jars when all was said and done. I brought home 8 big ones and 2 small ones.

Barb and I took the kids to Mt. Carmel Park. We tried to get the kids tired so that we could go back and do some canning. They weren't too bad so we were able to get some done but I think that there was about 39 jars when all was said and done. I brought home 8 big ones and 2 small ones.

Alan loves to swing. He kept telling me to push him higher.

Carrigan posing. You can't really tell by the picture but at this point she was starting to not feel very good. Who would have thought she was coming down with Strep?
Congratulations to TY for winning the 2nd grade art contest at his school. Be sure to check out The Black's website (http://theblacks1.blogspot.com) and look at his artwork!

Carrigan posing. You can't really tell by the picture but at this point she was starting to not feel very good. Who would have thought she was coming down with Strep?
Congratulations to TY for winning the 2nd grade art contest at his school. Be sure to check out The Black's website (http://theblacks1.blogspot.com) and look at his artwork!
We have some birthday's and an anniversary coming up this month!
Pat's birthday is May 14th
Kevin's birthday is May 16th
Tim and Barb's anniversary is May 23rd
Congratulations to Troy and Lisa on the birth of their baby boy. If I remember correctly he was born on April 19th at 11:59pm. They named him Daniel Wayne Person.
Here are some other websites that some of you might be interested in looking at. Here is Kristi's webshots link with updated pictures (http://community.webshots.com/user/kristifp).
Here are some other websites that some of you might be interested in looking at. Here is Kristi's webshots link with updated pictures (http://community.webshots.com/user/kristifp).
Here is my old webshots link. It doesn't have anything recent but it is kinda fun looking back at when Carrigan was little (http://community.webshots.com/user/krcsmith)
Hope everyone is doing well!