Well, it didn't snow here and Carrigan was really looking forward to it. Truth is, we didn't expect any way down here but Carrigan was watching the weather report last night and were talking about North Georgia getting snow and all she heard was the word snow!!!! Needless to say - she was really disappointed!!
The last part of January was very busy. Kati and Ty celebrated their January 21st birthday. Ty had a bowling party and Carrigan had so much fun. She has become quite the little bowler thanks to Aunt Kandis and Uncle Matt. She was so exctied when I told her that Ty's party was at the bowling alley. Rusty wasn't able to go this year due to him having a class at Piedmont hospital but that was okay - we met him in Fayetteville that night for dinner! It was a rainy day this year but at least it wasn't snowing or icy.
Carrigan celebrated her birthday on the 28th. All of her friends came. She was so excited. Thank you to everyone that came ~ Mom, Kandis, Matt, Kristi, Hunter, Barb, Tim, Kati, Kevin, Ty, Brooke; Reece and Jenna and their parents Dave and Tammy; Katelyn and her mom Carolyn; Aniston and her mom Stephanie; Gracie and her mom Brandy; Griffin and his mom Tracy; Trent and his mom Debbie; Codey and his dad Ben; Bailey and her mom Tori and her little brothers Camden and AJ; Rebecca and her mom Jennifer and her sisters Amanda and Katelyn; McKenna and Madelynn and their parents Lori and Brian; Ben, Aaron & Conor and their parents Renee and Joe; and Logyn, Trayce & Grayce and their parents Adriean and Todd. I hope that I did not leave anybody off - if I did I apologize. Can you believe that there were 3 sets of twins at the party! There would have been 5 sets but the others were not able to make it!!!! For those of you that read Kristi's Blog - yes - there were kids everywhere. Everybody had a really good time. After her party Carolyn and Katelyn stayed for a little while and it was so nice spending time with them. Dave, Tammy, Reece and Jenna stayed also and we enjoyed having dinner with them and catching up on things. The kids all played great together.
Rusty just had a birthday on February 8th. It was pretty uneventful as he had to work at the firestation. The kids and I took him Chick-Fil-A icecream and a balloon to help him celebrate the best that we could. Thank you everyone for the birthday cards and for all of the goodies inside. Everything was very much appreciated and will be put to good use.
We've got a busy next couple of months coming up. In March Rusty and I are hoping to go away for a weekend, April we are going to Denise's wedding in Jamaica, Memorial Weekend we are taking the kids to Daytona Beach and in July we are taking the kids to Orlando. It's going to be a beachy kind of summer! It's going to be so much fun!!!
Mom has a new addition and her name is Precious Isabelle and they are calling her Izzi! I can't wait to see her. I can only imagine how cute she is since my friend Lita has one and their birthdays are only a couple of days apart. Lita and her "Little Man" (Sir Patrick Quinn) will have to meet Izzi!!!

I'm off to watch the Olympics! Between Dancing with the Stars, The Batchelor, Amerian Idol, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy no wonder I can't find the time to update my BLOG!!!!!!
Have a great weekend!
PS...I have been trying since this weekend to add more pictures but my computer keeps freezing up on me!!! I will try again this week to add some pictures of Carrigan and I have a really cute one of the both of them sleeping!!!!!